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Artigos publicados em periódicos


1. Consumo e digestibilidade em ovinos submetidos a dietas contendo óleo residual de fritura. (Visualizar)
1. How do relocation time and length of storage after relocation affect fermentation and nutritive value of corn silage? (Download)



1. Agrometeorological and Agronomic Characterization of Megathyrsus Grasses Cultivated in Tropical Humid and Semi-Arid Conditions: A Multivariate Approach (Download)


2.  Ingestive behavior of lambs fed relocated and inoculated whole-plant corn silage (Download).


3. Nitrogen fertilisation as a strategy for intensifying production and improving the quality of Massai grass grown in a humid tropical climate. (Download).


4. Cured dry smoked shoulder meat quality from culled adult goats fed a high lipid diet. (Download).


5. Profundidade de semeadura e inoculação com Pseudomonas fluorescens no crescimento inicial de Urochloa brizantha (syn Brachiaria) cv. Marandú. (Download).


6. Buffalo milk production system in the Arari region of the Marajó archipelago, Pará. (Download).


7. Effects of Sodium Benzoate Application, Silage Relocation, and Storage Time on the Preservation Quality of Sugarcane Silage. (Download).


8. Land use, temperature, and nitrogen affect nitrous oxide emissions in amazonian soils. (Download).


9. Effect of peri-conception high fat diets on maternal ovarian function, fetal and placentome growth, and vascular umbilical development in goats.  (Download).


10. The addition of different oils in the diet regulates the expression of adipocytokine signaling genes in sheep longissimus dorsi muscle.(Download).




1. Fermentation profile and chemical composition of cassava root silage (Download)


2. Canopy structural variations affect the relationship between height and light interception in Guinea Grass (Download)


3. Coconut meal inclusion in high concentarte sheep diets affects feed digestibility and intake (Download)


4. Yellow grease in sheep diets: intake and digestibility (Download)


5. Effects of stubble height and season of the year on morphogenetic, structural and quantitative traits of Tanzania grass (Download)


6. Effects of whole-plant corn silage relocation on quality, chemical composition, and intake, digestibility, and nitrogen balance in sheep (Download)




1. Effects of inclusion of patauá, Oenocarpus bataua meal on elephant grass silage (Download)


2. Murumuru (Astrocarium murumuru) meal as an additive to elephant grass silage (Download)


3. Effects of cutting height and bacterial inoculant on corn silage aerobic stability and nutrient digestibility by sheep (Download)


4. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on production, chemical composition and morphogenesis of Guinea grass in the humid tropics (Download)





1. Effect of Wild Lactobacillus buchneri Strains on the Fermentation Profile and Microbial Populations of Sugarcane Silage (Download)


2. Fermentative profile of maize silage inoculated with Lactobacillus buchneri (Download)


3. Effect of dietary supplementation of palm kernel cake on ovarian and hepatic function in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) (Download)


4. Soybean oil added to the diet reduces Myostatin gene expression in Longissimus dorsi muscle of sheep (Download)


5. Use of near infrared spectroscopy for the evaluation of forage for ruminants (Download)


6. Censored Bayesian models for genetic evaluation of age at first calving in Brazilian Brahman cattle (Download)




1. Sisal silage addition to feedlot sheep diets as a water and forage source (Download)


2. An evaluation of the effectiveness of a chemical additive based on sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, and sodium nitrite on the fermentation and aerobic stability of corn silage (Download)


3. Does the level of forage neutral detergent fiber affect the ruminal fermentation, digestibility and feeding behavior of goats fed cactus pear (Download)


4. Effects of  Lactobacillus buchneri isolated from tropical maize silage on fermentation and aerobic stability of maize and sugarcane silages (Download)


5. Ultrasound spectroscopy as an alternative method to measure the physical-chemical constituents of buffalo milk (Download)


6. Uso de somatotropina recombinante bovina em búfalas leiteiras I: produção e composição físico-química do leite (Download)


7. O capim-marandu baixo no início do diferimento melhora a morfologia do pasto e aumenta o desempenho dos ovinos no inverno (Download)


8. Ruminal degradability of tropical leguminous plants from eastern Amazônia (Download)


9. Perfil Metabólico de Novilhas Alimentadas com Diferentes Fontes Proteicas (Download)


10. Genetic evaluation of age at first calving for Guzerá beef cattle using linear, threshold, and survival Bayesian models (Download)




1. Estrutura e produtividade de capim-Tanzânia submetido a diferentes frequências de desfolhação (Download)


2.  Comportamento ingestivo de ovinos alimentados com dietas contendo óleo de fritura residual (Download)


3. Testicular thermoregulation, scrotal surface temperature patterns and semen quality of water buffalo bulls reared in a tropical climate (Download) 




1. Elephant grass silage with the addition of crambe bran conjugated to different specific mass (Download)


2. Characteristics of cattle breeders and dairy production in the southeastern and northeastern (Download)


3. Tropical kudzu as a protein source in sheep diets (Download​)


4. Effect of particle size and bacterial inoculant on the temperature, density and pH of pearl millet silages (Download)


5. Consumo, digestibilidade e balanço de nitrogênio de rações contendo diferentes teores de torta de murumuru em dietas para ovinos (Download)




1. Production and chemical composition of three sugarcane cultivars grown under Af climate conditions (Download)


2. Chemical composition and in vitrodigestibility of fresh sugarcane hydrolysed with calcium oxide (CaO) (Download)


3. Use of acids as additives in sugarcane silage (Download)


4. Ovine feed intake, digestibility, and nitrogen balance in feeds containing different amounts of cupuaçu meal (Download




1. Study on the practices of silage production and utilization on Brazilian dairy farms (Download)


2. Palm kernel meal as additive in the elephant-grass silage (Download)


3. Composição mineral da cana-de-açúcar in natura hidrolisada com cal virgem (CaO) (Download)


4.  Avaliação do nível tecnológico da pecuária leiteira no estado do Pará (Download)


5. Importância do ta,anho de partícula e do uso de inoculante bacteriano em silagens (Download)


6. Comportamento ingestivo de vacas leiteiras alimentadas com silagem de milheto ou milho (Download)


7. Adição de óleo de palma na dieta sobre a lipidemia e a qualidade do sêmen de bubalinos (Bubalus bubalis) (Download)


8. Feed supplementation with palm kernel cake-based concentrate increases the quality of water buffalo semen (Download)

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